"Kilimanjaro" MV
Uganda Milege Festival
- Date: Sunday, 23th November, 2014 Anyango start 17:00pm~
- Venue: Entebbe Botanical Gardens, Uganda
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/National_Botanical_Gardens_(Uganda) - Tickets: http://milege.org/rufestival-2014/tickets/
- More infomation: Manana Birabi.F Milege Inc P.O.Box 16652 Kampala
http://www.milege.org info@milege.org
Nairobi, Kenya / Go Down Arts Centre
- Date: Saturday, 29th Novembe, 2014 Anyango start pm17:00~
- Venue: The Go Down Arts Centre, Dunga Road Nairobi, Kenya
http://www.newmuseum.org/artspaces/view/the-godown-arts-centre - More infomation:Japhet Njagi 0726992200 (o)
Please contact the address below if you have requests for performances or interviews.
Tokyo: ANYANGO Office JOWI Entertainment
- 2-4-12 Hatanodai Shinagawa-ku Tokyo, 142-0064 JAPAN
- Anyango Office JOWI Entertainment
- TEL: +81-3-5749-0285 FAX +81-3-5749-0286
- E-mail: info@anyango.com
- Anyango Official Website: http://anyango.com
Paris: ANYANGO Association
- 66 Avenue des Champs Elysées Batiment D 75008 Paris
- ANYANGO Association
- E-mail: association@anyango.com
- Anyango Official Website: http://anyango.com/e/